Prof. Dr. Lorraine Whitmarsh University of Bath Department of Psychology Centre for Climate Change & Social Transformations
Prof. Dr. Max Louwerse Tilburg University Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence DAF Technology Lab
How language creates meaning: From Psycholinguistics to Computational Linguistics to Rocket Science Prof. Dr. Max Louwerse
How does language attain meaning? This is a central question for the cognitive sciences. This talk will argue that the answer to the question how language attains meaning may not come so much from the language instinct in the language user or from large neural networks (the human or the AI versions), but from within the language system itself. Using examples from phonology, syntax and semantic – specifically word embeddings – the argument is made that language creates meaning. Such an argument would call for revisiting some common principles advocated in theoretical, computational and psycholinguistics, such as the arbitrariness of language, symbol grounding and linguistic relativity. Moreover, it would have far reaching consequences for the cognitive sciences at large.
Engaging the public with climate change: public participation and lifestyle change to achieve net zero Prof. Dr. Lorraine Whitmarsh
In this talk, I will argue that most of the measures required to reach our climate change targets require at least some degree of behaviour change. And that more broadly, social transformation is required to reach ’net zero’ carbon targets in the coming years. In order to achieve this, we need public engagement and participation in decision-making about what a low-carbon future looks like, and how to reach it. We also need a wide range of measures to change people’s behaviour at home, work and elsewhere. I will present findings from polls and citizens assemblies on public concern about climate change, and support for net zero policies; and from behavioural science research on how to effectively change behaviour to cut emissions.